As your vision starts to focus, the lines you see around you are trees with leaves stretching far up into the sky. The smells of the earth surround you, the multicolored leaves and green grass with morning dew can be felt in all your senses.
You are in the in-between, the land without seasons, that watches all four seasons, winter, spring, summer and autumn, where beginnings and endings fold into each other.
(enchant:?page,(bg:#228B22))As your vision starts to focus, the lines you see around you are trees with leaves stretching far up into the sky. The smells of the earth surround you, the multicolored leaves and green grass with morning dew can be felt in all your senses.
You are in the in-between, the land without seasons, that watches all four seasons, winter, spring, summer and autumn, where beginnings and endings fold into each other.
(text-colour:black)[[[Follow the leaves|fall path]]]
(text-colour:black)[[[Chase the blooming flowers |spring path]]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:#228B22))The forest is speckled in gold, orange, red and green. You step on the fallen leaves and can hear them crunch beneath your feet. Earth is shedding its old self; trees sway in the wind letting go of what no longer serves them. Fall is about the beauty of letting go and surrendering to a death that we(mouseover-replace:"we")[I] must experience to invite a new self.
(text-colour:black)[[[pick up a leaf |pick up a leaf]]]
(text-colour:black)[[[turn back around|Beginning]]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:#FFA500))As you look around at the forest around you, you can hear it taking a deep breath that makes it pulse with color. It feels alive, buds stretch as far as they can to reach the sky. The rays of sunlights are reflected through the rain and sparkle onto the bright green grass. Earth is reborn, spring offers us a clean slate, (mouseover-replace:"us a clean slate,")[me a chance to try again,] a new beginning and second chance
(text-colour:black)[[[Smell the flowers |smell the flowers]]]
(text-colour:black)[[[turn back around|Beginning]]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:#FDB0C0))You inspect the leaf and how each vein has contributed to its life, you cling too tightly and the leaf crumbles in your hand.(mouseover-replace:"you cling too tightly and the leaf crumbles in your hand.")[I cling too tightly and the leaf crumbles in my hand.] Not everything can be held onto forever.
(text-colour:black)[[[return to the forest between|forest between]]]The soft petals make it hard to believe that it ever could’ve been trapped in a seed in the dark earth. This makes you realize, that you will also bloom, come out of your shell despite the darkness of life that surrounds you.
(text-colour:black)[[[return to the forest between|forest between]]]
As each season changes the lessons that you’ve learned shape you into someone new. Fall shows you the importance of releasing what no longer serves you. Spring reminds you that no matter what, beginnings follow endings. You are filled with a mixture of loss and hope, both at once.
(text-colour:black)[[[Step deeper into autumn|fall path 2]]]
(text-colour:black)[[[Walk toward the blooming fields|spring path 2]]]
(text-colour:black)[[[Walk into the sunlight, toward summer|summer path]]]
(text-colour:black)[[[Step into the shadows, toward winter|winter path]]]
(text-colour:black)[[[Stay where you are, take it all in.|final passage]]]The leaf is tainted with shades of yellow, green and amber and soon the dried edges will expand to its center.
You notice the last of autumn’s leaves cling to their stems and you feel that familiarity of holding on to something you know cannot last.
(text-colour:black)[[[return to the forest between|forest between]]]There is something enchanting about the floral aroma that surrounds you, it transports you to spring once again and you feel alive watching the green earth sprout from the fresh soil.
You kneel to touch the newborn petals, stretching and waking, while also digging your fingers into the fresh, dark earth. The roots are beginning to hold their ground, exerting forward and upwards with everything they have, even though they are just beginning.
(text-colour:black)[[[return to the forest between|forest between]]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:#FDB0C0))The sunlight is blinding and as you look up to the sky, the bright green foliage fills your vision. Flowers are in full bloom and life feels like it has a new found confidence. Summer is the time to live life to the fullest and embrace the earth’s energy.
As you stand in the sunlit clearing of the forest you feel like you can do anything.(mouseover-replace:"As you stand in the sunlit clearing of the forest you feel like you can do anything.")[I feel like I can do anything.]
(text-colour:black)[[[Kick off your shoes and feel the warm grass|summer path 2]]]
(text-colour:black)[[[return to the forest between|forest between]]]
You open your eyes to what seems like limbo. The forest is silent and covered in snow, every branch is outlined in white. There is a weight to the silence, but there is peace in solitude.
Winter reminds you to rest and slow down, the earth has given you a clean slate.
(text-colour:black)[[[Brush snow from a branch|winter path 2]]]
(text-colour:black)[[[return to the forest between|forest between]]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:#D8BFD8))As you feel the warm sunlight hitting your skin, you become energized and start to run. Summer has given you a sense of openness and possibility. The forest around you is alive and it reminds you to live fully and to reach your full potential.
Summer is beyond growth, it is about trusting that after the cold you can believe in yourself to stand tall and feel the joy of life’s presence.
(text-colour:black)[[[return to the forest between|forest between]]]
(text-colour:black)[[[Take in the sunlight|final passage]]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:#ADD8E6))The bark of the tree feels solid and strong even though its leaves have left it bare. Winter shows you that strength is found in remaining steadfast and trusting that there is more beyond the cold.
Winter asks you to slow down and practice acceptance and understanding in your situation. The trees will eventually bloom again, and you are also allowed this time to reflect and just be.
(text-colour:black)[[[return to the forest between|forest between]]]
(text-colour:black)[[[Carry winter’s calm with you|final passage]]]
(enchant:?page,(bg:#D8BFD8))You’re back in the heart of the forest between and each season surrounds you.
Fall reminds you the letting go is necessary to grow.
Winter is about remaining steadfast in your stillness.
Spring is a chance to start once again.
Summer is the fruit of all that life has to offer.
Each season reflects how we move through our own lives and balance is found in allowing yourself to experience each of them.(click-replace:"Each season reflects how we move through our own lives and balance is found in allowing yourself to experience each of them.")[as the seasons change, so do I, my life is in a constant cycle, experiencing new seasons and new chapters.] Even if we feel that our experiences are lonely, the earth is experiencing them with you.
(text-colour:black)[[[Allow the cycle to repeat|Beginning]]]
(audio: "your-audio-file.mp3")